Price: $16,000,000
Location: Upper Midwest
Industry: Manufacturing
Listing ID: 4181-1896
Listing Status: New
Industry leading General Contractor FOR SALE in the Upper Midwest. This full-service design-build GC operates in numerous verticals and has a very diverse customer base: commercial, industrial, multi-family, healthcare, residential and more. The company has been in business for over 40 years and under current ownership since the 1990's. This GC has worked hard to establish an outstanding reputation and works with the top sub-contractors in the area. The business has an exceptional, talented workforce that is highly motivated and very experienced. Current staff could handle a 50-75% increase in project load. Ownership is looking for a new challenge thus creating a unique opportunity for the right buyer/group. Given the current backlog/projection of $40MM in 2021, this is an ideal opportunity for a platform acquisition or strategic bolt-on. If you are looking for a fully turn-key GC operation, this is the one! Contact VR Business Brokers, M&A today.
Down Payment: $3,200,000
Total Sales: $33,911,157
Cash Flow: $33,911,157
Accounts Receivable: N/A
Inventory: N/A
Year Established: Confidential
Non-Owner Payroll: N/A
Real Estate: N/A
Monthly Rent: N/A
Type of Location: Upper Midwest